مرجع عکس Title : Statistical analysis of random graph models. Application to social sciences and history. keywords : - Networks - Random graphs - Mixture models - Model selection - MCMC, EM algorithm, variational approximations - Dirichlet processes. Chinese restaurant process, Indian buffet process - Hidden Markov models PhD : A 3-years PhD position is available at the SAMM laboratory of the Sorbonne university ( http://www.univ-paris1.fr ), in Paris. We are looking for a dynamic candidate with a master degree in statistics, capable of implementing algorithms. Good skills in R or Matlab are therefore mandatory. The candidate does not need to speak french, however very good skills in english are required. The student will be supervised by Charles Bouveyron (Professor, Paris Descartes) and Pierre Latouche (Assistant Professor, Paris 1). Salary (After payment of health insurance, taxes, and pension) : from 1450€ to 1700€ depending on wether the candidate decid...