
نمایش پست‌ها از ژانویه, ۲۰۱۴

قراردادهای کار در فرانسه

Contrat de Travail in France قرارداد کار در فرانسه در فرانسه دو نوع قرارداد کار داریم؛ یکی که زمان اتمام آن مشخص هست (CDD Contrat Durée Déterminée ) و دیگری که زمان پایان قرارداد مشخص نیست ( CDI Contrat Durée Indéterminée). در این نوشته قصد دارم که کمی در مورد این دو نوع قرارداد و بصورت کلی قراردادهای کار در فرانسه توضیح بدهم.

پست داک در شهر لیل فرانسه در زمینه یادگیری ماشین و ام‌آر‌آی

In-vivo Clinical Imaging Center – Lille – France Postdoctoral Fellowship in machine learning applied to multimodal MRI data A postdoctoral position on machine learning with application to neuroimage-based brain disease diagnosis and prediction is available at In-vivo Clinical Imaging center, University Hospital of Lille, France (Pr. Xavier Leclerc). Our international and multidisciplinary group conducts basic research in neuroscience at the interface to clinical applications. We focus on neurodegenerative diseases, epilepsy and schizophrenia. This position will be funded by a national project about the post-stroke dementia. If the risk of dementia occurrence after stroke is well known, few data exist about the factors influencing positively or negatively the development of cognitive disorders or dementia. The aim of the study is so to determine prospectively the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) factors associated with post-stroke dementia by the long-term follow-up of a stroke pat

بورس دکترا - کامپیوتر - یادگیری ماشین - فرانسه PhD scholarship - Computer- Machine Learning - France

The Constraints and Machine Learning Group/Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orléans (LIFO) at University of Orléans in France is offering one fully funded PhD studentship. The position is for 3 years with a monthly net salary of EUR 1,368 (start expected around October 2014) The thesis will be in the field of Machine Learning, focusing on one of the following areas: (a) Cluster Analysis: study of clustering evaluation indices in the context of “unusual” data such as those in bioinformatics and text mining. (b) Temporal Data Analysis: data mining algorithms for complex temporal data. (c) Relational Learning: data mining and machine learning for structured data, based on logical representations. We are looking for a candidate who has recently received, or is expecting to finalize within a few months, a Master's degree in a relevant field such as Computer Science, or similar. Particular strength or experience in machine learning, data mining, computer